I Am Tony

Writer, Husband, Father, Thinker

On one piece of paper… (or screen if you like)

“Enjoy every breath you take, and live a life that’s full.”

I have a deep love for stories and an unwavering passion for understanding the lives of others and their perceptions of normalcy. While many who know me might consider me unconventional, I see my unique perspective as my only frame of reference.

My aim is to write things that make people think, as well as entertain them. Crafting For Your Tomorrows has been a challenging delight which involved revisiting the locations of the events within it and many hours alone in my home office.

Poetry and verse also hold a special place in my heart. I believe that a poem’s greatness lies not in what is included, but in what is left out, allowing the reader’s imagination to fill in the blanks.

Born in the 1960s in the UK I have lived in a few countries but am settled for now in New Zealand. At almost 60 years old, to keep the wolves at bay, I am the half owner of a successful Digital Marketing company. 

To finish this ‘dating’ profile, I DO enjoy long walks on the beach and drinking wine with friends.

I hope you find For Your Tomorrows an enjoyable and page turning read, I like it.